Joseph Lister is My New Flatmate

"Joseph Lister is My New Flatmate" is a collection of poems written by Marianne Macrae as part of her Artist in Residence post with the College. Marianne researched the life and work of Joseph Lister, showcasing her work through a series of outreach and engagement events.

Download the full pamphlet or find more information on the project from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow.

Poems included:

  • "Joseph Lister is My New Flatmate"
  • "Miasma"
  • "Architectural Documentation"
  • "Still Born"
  • "Joseph Lister Presents His Urine"
  • "Day Out At Surgeon Hall's Museum, Edinburgh"
  • "Coffee"
  • "Obdurate Methods"
  • "Patient Presenting With Fishbone in His Throat"
  • "Agnes Lister (née Syme)"
  • "Effective Treatment"
  • "Wounds in Lister's Own Words"
  • "Charles F__, aged 7"
  • "Compound Fracture"
  • "Case of Penetrating Wound of Thorax and Abdomen"
Joseph in wood grain, Joseph
in curtain crease. A tiny Joseph waving
from the fronds of a spiny succulent
given as an engagement gift,
a symbol of longevity.
The kitchen light has started flickering;
I think Joseph is in the wires,
stuttering his hellos while I’m slicing
pickles, my fingers dripping with acid.
Joseph is getting under my skin,
a skelf burrowing through
dermis, muscle, fat,
carving a route to my bones.
Can he tell the two ribs
that buckled to pneumonia?
Simple fractures that healed
slightly wrong and now,
if I touch them too long or too deeply,
I feel I could throw up my soul,
or whatever it is in the middle of us
that hovers – I imagine it
a sort of wormhole, black and very absorbent,
a pinprick in time, entrance
to a slightly different dimension.
If Joseph was a Halloween decoration
he’d be one of the clean-cut
glow-in-the-dark bats we’ve left hanging
long past the spooky season;
a remnant, a translucence
existing at the periphery
of the present tense

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